One-size-fits-all approach never works and when you require dealing with gifted children, it is a big NO. We pay due attention on each and every student and adopt different pedagogies for different set of children. What we offer is thoroughly-researched, well-proven, tried and tested and we are highly organic to include new changes as and when occurred.
We have adopted the following to make them learn in the best possible and most enjoyable manner:
- A well-planned and deftly designed curriculum
- A customized fusion scholastic and co-scholastic syllabus
- Support of the mainstream school for high-functioning children
- Life skills education
- Sports activities depending upon child’s inclination:
- Swimming
- Taekwando
- Cricket
- Basketball
- Lawn Tennis
- Table Tennis
- Performing/creative arts of child’s choice:
- Vocal Music
- Instrumental music
- Indian dance forms
- Western dance forms
- Drawing and Painting
- Craft
- Regular consultaion with doctors and therapists on panel:
- Psychiatrists
- Developmental Pediatricians
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech Therapists
- Behavioural psychologists
Some of the primary learning methodologies adopted are:
- ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis)
- PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
- DTT (Discrete TrialTeaching)
- DIR (Difference Relationship Model or Floortime)
- SCERTS (Social Communication/ Emotional Regulation/Transactional Support)
- TEACCH (Training and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children)
- VB (Verbal Behaviour)